Duck! and Gather

... for the money has gone too far.

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Avian Flu Pandemic Watch

The warnings are getting louder. Today's warning reads: "Flu pandemic could kill half million in U.S.-report". Of course, the only reason I saw this article was because I've set up my MyYahoo page to give me the top news health stories from Reuters. This sort of story doesn't make the mainstream press. From my vantage point, it seems so obvious that this pandemic may be imminent, and that the public has been well warned. But then I wonder if random news reports prior to 9/11 told of Bin Laden's threats -- reports that we all just ignored.

[posted: 06/24/05]

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About - Huh? - Duck? - Gather? - Email Me: duck.n.gather "at"

"There's something happening here, What it is ain't is exactly clear ... Stop, children, what's that sound, Everybody look what's going down" v2.0

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