Duck! and Gather

... for the money has gone too far.



The purpose of this blog is to comment on current events that relate to certain predictions about America that I'm making based on an historical analysis.

The analysis is critical for understanding the commentary and the predictions. The analysis argues that, during Mr. Bush's second term (2005-2009), three different Anglo-American historical cycles will be ending, with new periods beginning to emerge.

The shortest of these three cycles spans decades — the one that is presently ending has lasted 7 decades. The analysis suggests that the turning of this cycle will result in an American crisis described as People vs. Corporations. I predict this crisis will render America Purple, having melded the Red and the Blue.

The middle of these three cycles span centuries — the one that is presently ending has lasted 5 centuries. The analysis suggests that the turning of this cycle will become known as The Second Reformation.

The longest of these three cycles spans millennia — the one that is presently ending has lasted 5 millennia. The analysis suggests that the turning of this cycle will result in a period that can be described as The Age of Wisdom.

Of course, if cycles that are measured in decades, let alone centuries (!), let alone millennia (!!), are coming to an end, we can pretty much assume that the ending will be more or less cataclysmic. One might even call it apocalyptic. Hence, the title — "Duck!" — of this blog.

But if I use the term "apocalyptic", you might take me for one of those >40% of Americans who describe themselves as "born again," and who eagerly await the "rapture". Well, I'm not.

But you know, the chatter from that group is getting louder. Now, their path for getting to a predicted apocalypse, and my own path for getting to the same place, are radically different roads. But still, I'm intrigued that the predicted ending of both of these paths is rather similar. Could all of us be unconsciously registering common signals, but then diverging in our various descriptions of them? If so, could this dynamic serve as a bridge between the Red and the Blue? Hmmm. Food for thought ...

In any event, I'm fairly sure you don't know what I mean by the terms "People vs. Corporations", "The Second Reformation", or "The Age of Wisdom". So I repeat, if you are going to read my commentary, at least browse the analysis section.

Happy reading!

About - Huh? - Duck? - Gather? - Email Me: duck.n.gather "at"

"There's something happening here, What it is ain't is exactly clear ... Stop, children, what's that sound, Everybody look what's going down" v2.0

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